The law criminalises good parents

In 2007 the NZ Parliament removed the right of Kiwi parents to use reasonable force to physically discipline their children for the purpose of correction. Despite assurances to the contrary, families have been torn apart, accused of lying and dragged through the courts with disturbing results. These are just a few of the many examples… ⤵️

This website is dedicated to law-abiding parents who want to raise great kids – but are confronted with a confusing law which also ignores the realities of parenting.

“From time to time, most parents will smack a child… [the law is] a complete and utter dog’s breakfast… badly drafted… extremely vague… Linking a light smack with child abuse is ‘bloody insulting.”

In 2007, politicians changed the laws making it illegal for parents to use smacking as form of correction with their children. The referendum in 2009 revealed that 87% of New Zealanders opposed this move believing that it wouldn’t solve genuine child abuse but would lead to good parents being unjustly persecuted.

In September 2009. Prime Minister John Key said that the anti-smacking law is a complete and utter dog’s breakfast, badly drafted, extremely vague. However, in December 2009, in response to an overwhelming 87% opposition to the anti-smacking law in the Referendum, John Key told Kiwi mums and dads that a light smack was ok. Psychologist Nigel Latta who headed a review of the law said that “parents could relax”. But the Latta review has since been exposed as misleading, failed to meet its Terms of Reference, and missed out or ignored key information. John Key’s assurances are in direct conflict with what groups like Barnados, the Children’s Commissioner and Plunket are telling parents, and the way the anti-smacking law is being enforced by the police, CYF and the Family Court. And in September 2010 in Parliament, all political parties, except for ACT, sent a clear message that a light smack is not ok when they rejected the very amendment that National MP’s had been vigorously lobbying for when in opposition! Law-abiding parents raising great kids are now confused.

“If I see good parents getting criminalised for lightly smacking their children for the purposes of discipline, I’m going to change the law … if we start seeing that situation breaking down – good parents being hauled before the courts – then I’m going to do something about it.” – Prime Minister John Key

This website backgrounds the issue, provides important legal advice and encouragement for parents, and shows practical solutions to tackling the issue we all want solved – child abuse.

The law criminalises
good parents

Reasons to change the law

Mum on a Mission

Watch Bev Adair-Beets is a mother, grandmother and child advocate. Watch this video, as Bev goes on a road trip to meet loving families that have been directly affected by the anti-smacking law. ⤵️

Protect Good Parents is a project of Family First NZ

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